
In the world fundamentally changed by the COVID pandemic, the design and creation of new systems will most effectively be done by experienced leaders with deep understanding of practice. Paul Behrman, with his track record of humanistic leadership in the Head Start community, is uniquely suited to advance the development of early childhood systems infused with opportunity for all young children and the adults in their lives to thrive. 

Yasmina Vinci
Executive Director
National Head Start Association – Alexandria, VA 

I had the honor and pleasure to co-facilitate discussions on social justice with Paul. Week after week, I saw him create a safe environment where we could unpack some challenging, very uncomfortable conversations with staff for the first time in our organization. I was struck by his curiosity, knowledge of the subject, and how he was able to transmit his passion to the group. People could not wait for the next session, and came ready for deep discussions. The talent with which he conducted these discussions was absolutely remarkable. He is a true change leader, working on dismantling racism. I did learn so much from him.

Virginie Diambou
Racial Equity Director
CVOEO – Burlington, VT

I first met Paul in 2004 during his fellowship with the UCLA Anderson School of Management Head Start Management Fellows Program. Since then, Paul has been a consistent champion for the health and safety of children and families, and for leadership in the administration of high quality, early care and education systems and services. We are fortunate to have his heart and mind focused on leadership throughout the New England region, as well as nationally in the U.S. and internationally throughout the world.

Dr. Ariella Herman
Senior Continuing Lecturer in Decisions, Operations and Technology Management
UCLA Anderson School of Management – Los Angeles, CA

I have worked with Paul for more than 10 years. His feet are firmly planted on the ground, and he brings a track record of successful management experience and a sound knowledge of operational practices and dynamics. Paul also possesses a unique understanding of leadership and organizational development and change management systems. He is an excellent communicator with an easy-going style. I’m thankful he established a consulting practice so that he can share his knowledge widely.

Dick Courcelle
Chief Executive Officer
Rutland Mental Health Services – Rutland, VT

When I first met Paul in 2015, he instantly struck me as an extremely kind, compassionate, and genuine person. Through the years, I have come to know Paul as a fierce advocate and a person who is constantly looking to grow. Paul is a values-driven person and he embodies his values of truth, justice, and service by making room for and listening to underrepresented voices, curating a supportive environment at all times, and seeking to learn from those around him. I watched him facilitate the Racial Justice Discussion Group with his colleagues and felt grateful for his ability to encourage difficult conversations for people that had rarely had to confront issues of social justice before. Paul is a genuine ally in social justice work and I know he will always continue to do the work to better himself and others. 

Tilly Krishna
Harvard University Class of 2025, Antiracism Calendar Founder
United States Senate Youth Program Class of 2021 – Cambridge, MA

Paul Behrman is a highly seasoned and successful leader and Head Start Director.  His institutional knowledge about local programs and communities, coupled with over two decades of experience successfully leading Champlain Valley Head Start in Vermont and navigating the federal system, are invaluable.  Throughout his tenure as Director, Paul was actively engaged within his community, the state, and at the federal level, constantly seeking to influence program and policy improvements benefiting children, parents and staff.  As he embarks on the next chapter of his career, I have no doubt that Paul will be using his institutional knowledge and demonstrated leadership skills to support and guide the next generation of early childhood leaders.   

Ann Linehan
Former Deputy Director
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Head Start – Washington, D.C.

In the world of Head Start program administration and management, Paul Behrman is a leader’s leader. He actively advocates for what’s best for young children and families, which means he is a champion for the people and programs serving them. Paul is a “double threat” in that he has the direct knowledge, experience, and expertise of what it takes to lead organizations and programs, as well as being politically savvy and astute in how to facilitate positive impacts for early childhood systems. As a former Head Start Director, I have benefited greatly from his expertise and savviness shared across our UCLA Head Start – Johnson & Johnson Management Fellows discussion group.

Alan Guttman
Former Director of Early Childhood Policy & Systems
Johns Hopkins University School of Education – Baltimore, MD

As a thoughtful, visionary leader, Paul Behrman has already made an indelible mark on the early childhood system in Vermont. His impactful work on the Blue Ribbon Commission both demonstrated his focus on systems change and cemented Paul as a consistent, leading voice in the state for the high-quality standards necessary to support Vermont children to reach their full potential. In the ten years that I have worked with Paul, especially in his role as the director of Champlain Valley Head Start, he has deftly negotiated between big picture systems and on-the-ground implementation and provided a stellar example of how policy and practice can work together to improve outcomes for kids. 

Aly Richards
Chief Executive Officer
Let’s Grow Kids – Montpelier, VT

Self-Regulated Leadership presentation provided by Paul Behrman

  • “This was an awesome training and I would definitely recommend to others.” 
  • “This was the best virtual workshop that I have seen since the pandemic!!! (And I’m quite the workshop snob.) This guy was FIRE!!!”  
  • “This training came at a great time in my work life as our organization is going through major restructuring and the tips provided helped me to re-center and focus on the needs of my staff as well as things I can do to help support them and my agency.”

Session participants
National Head Start Association
Leadership Education and Development Summit (LEADS)
Virtual Conference – June 2021