And More
Some fun stuff including videos which capture some of my work in recent years.
The Notorious A.S.C.
My top priority for the field of early care and education is the health and safety of children.
For early care and education programs to assure that children are healthy and safe while in the care of program staff, it is essential that staff understand and employ best practice in active supervision of children. Champlain Valley Head Start, in northwest Vermont, has made active supervision of children a top program priority, and provides regular staff training in this area. This video and training are meant with the highest respect for Biggie (Christopher Wallace), his music, memory and musical legacy.

Friend Man.
In early 2020, when the pandemic led to disruption of regular programming for schools and early care and education programs, we needed some moments of caring, gentleness and fun to see us through. And, especially for the children, we had to explain as best we could what was happening, provide reassurance, and normalize the circumstances to help support resilience. And so, Friend Man showed up. This short series of 3 videos was filmed in early 2020 and shared with children, families and staff in Champlain Valley Head Start to lift spirits and provide some fun in the early weeks of spring 2020. I selected some classic, all-time-favorite children’s books, including The Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown, The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, and Milk and Cookies by Frank Asch. Deep gratitude and a shout to the wonderful Mr. Fred Rogers – a true super-hero of kindness and the OG Friend Man.
Story Time with Friend Man – The Big Red Barn
(by Margaret Wise Brown)
Story Time with Friend Man – The Snowy Day
(by Ezra Jack Keats)
Story Time with Friend Man – Milk and Cookies
(by Frank Asch)